“My favorite photo of the year is the cover of the December issue. It was my first photo shoot, and I was thrilled to be part of the process. Seeing all the effort that goes into capturing the perfect shot—from navigating alligator waters to creatively securing the tree upright in the canoe—was an unforgettable experience. It took teamwork, laughter, and a lot of ingenuity to pull it off. The fact that I adore Christmas made it all the more special!”
– Rachel Mayhall, Planning and Development

“The minute I saw this photo, I was obsessed. You are able to see such an elegant movement from the fabric that Oliva is wearing, mimicking the gracefulness that comes with being a ballerina. I like to think of this composition as soft, but dramatic with the pale pink and yellow paired with the strong angle. You can clearly see the powerful charm of ballet within this picture.”
– Peri Carr, Graphic Designer

“Staring at the photo, I hear the water lapping against the boat as we bob with the current, I smell the salty breeze and feel the warm, Gulf Coast sun on my skin – all of the things that make life in the Mobile Bay area a dream!”
– Jennifer Ray, Advertising Sales Executive

“If I could join Ashley Parsons on her horse trek across Europe, I would go in a heartbeat. What an adventure! But as a life-long rider, I know I could never have accomplished this feat. I have so much respect for her knowledge and skill, courage and curiosity. And taking a stallion along for the trip? Wow.”
-Maggie Lacey, Executive Editor

“Elizabeth Gelineau always knocks it out of the park with food photography, and this Sand Pear Cardamom Bundt Cake image is one of my absolute favorites. I don’t even particularly like pears, but the rich colors and the way the light is catching the shine of the glaze makes me want to get in the kitchen and make this recipe today.”
-Abby Parrott, Digital Director

The architectural decay in this photo is so beautiful, but I am thrilled to know the Chichizola House is getting a second chance! Walking through the most historically intact building in Mobile was a special treat, and knowing that Mike Rogers and team will be bringing it back to life as a Mobile Bay Magazine Inspiration Home is the icing on the cake!
-Frances Hurley, Events Coordinator

“Wayne Curtis is one of the loveliest, most devoted people I’ve had the honor to meet. He’s the type of person who loses himself in his passions, and that’s something you can really feel from this photo. It’s a still image that somehow captures live performance and raw enthusiasm.”
– Mary Ryan Kirsch, Editorial Assistant

“This is exactly where I want to be- enjoying a beautiful sunset in the Delta on a fishing boat. I am jealous of whoever this is!”
-Stephen Potts, Assistant Publisher

“While we’re used to seeing glittering floats in all their grandeur parading down the street during Mardi Gras, this photo captures something not often seen by spectators: the process of putting it all together. I love having a peek at the craftsmanship behind some of Mobile’s most iconic art.”
– Amelia Rose Zimlich, Staff Writer

“What screams summer more than a Big Green Egg bolted to a boat with an American flag flapping in a crosswind? If I had to describe July afternoons on the Gulf Coast to my non-Southern friends, I’d just show them this photo. I’m pretty sure it would tell them all they’d need to know. “
– Mary Ryan Kirsch, Editorial Assistant

“There is no way you have driven on the causeway and have NOT seen dedicated fishermen amongst one another. It really invites you to see inside the fishing culture of Mobile.”
– Peri Carr, Graphic Designer

“This photo, from a recent book published as result of a collaboration between our contributor John Sledge and others, takes me back to a trip I took to Cuba this year with him and a group from the Society Mobile-La Habana. The society is a non-profit dedicated to sustaining relations between the two cities, and headed up by Grey Redditt. The architecture, fountains and flora of Old Havana feel much like the Gulf Coast, Mobile and New Orleans. A great experience.”
-T.J. Potts, Publisher

“This photo of Toodles Dorgan’s timeless lace dresses is a heartfelt tribute to the countless hours mothers and grandmothers dedicate to preserving the Southern tradition of French handsewing. It reminds me of my First Communion gown, a priceless gift whose value I didn’t fully understand at the time.”
-Mattie Naman, Digital Manager

“Getting a shotgun seat for a Mobile Bay shrimping excursion was such fun! I learned so much from the Graddicks, both on the boat and in the kitchen. Their crew pulls a shrimp trawl like a well-oiled machine, and the resulting meal was incredible. Not a bad day at the office for me!”
-Maggie Lacey, Executive Editor

“Having lived on the East Coast for a few years, this photo makes me nostalgic for that time in my life. I love seeing the Gambrel style and cedar shingles on Mobile Bay!”
-Frances Hurley, Events Coordinator

“The colors in this image are stunning! Who doesn’t want to drop what they’re doing and catch up with friends over these exact drinks?”
– Amelia Rose Zimlich, Staff Writer